Special Educational Needs and Disability

Compliments & Complaints
Our school is part of the wider community and the individuals who work in it will and should be open to comments, compliments, criticism and questions.
Compliments are always appreciated and can be made either directly to staff, by contacting our SENCO, formally recorded via our regular questionnaires to parents or in the form of a letter to the Head Teacher.
Any complaints will be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible. These concerns are either sorted out informally, often as a result of discussions, or become formal complaints. The period of consideration will vary with the gravity and complexity of the complaint and the urgency with which it needs to be settled.
An independent source of support and advice is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS):

Lee House
Lee Terrace
County Durham
Tel: 0191 5873541 or 03000 267007
Further information can be found in our School Complaints Policy (for details from school office in person or by calling 01207 239 661).
Additional useful information can be found on the Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service website.